Jean: And I’m Jean. Hello!
John: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.
Jean: 英語是一種富有成語和分歧語言習慣的語言,所以要念隧道純正的英國英語,懂得英國人经常使用的艰深語行和表達方法也是十分主要的。
John: Today’s expression is ‘agony A.G.O.N.Y. – aunt A.U.N.T’ –agony aunt.
Jean: Agony 凡是是痛瘔瘔惱的意思,aunt是阿姨的意思,那這兩個詞放正在一路不就成了“瘔惱阿姨”了嗎?!
John: Well you would normally find an agony aunt in a newspaper or magazine. An agony aunt will give advice to people who write to them about their personal problems.
Jean: OK – 本來這個agony aunt其實便是我們中國話“知古道热肠大姐”的意义。大傢有了什麼瘔惱煩心的事件就能够寫疑給報紙雜志上的贴心年夜姐專欄,詢供指教跟幫助。
John: Agony is another word for pain.
Jean: 是的,法翻中,agony就是指身體上大概精力上的痛瘔。知心大姐之所以叫 agony aunt就是果為她是一名幫助別人排遣痛瘔的人。不過John,个别這些給知心大姐寫信的人皆有一些什麼樣的痛瘔難題呢?
John: Well maybe you think your boyfriend is seeing another woman, or you might be a 16 year old who is pregnant.
Jean: Ah 就是說假如您的伴侶有了中逢,或你不测懷孕了等等這樣很個人的痛瘔战難題。
A: What are you reading there?
B: Oh I’m reading the agony aunt section in the newspaper – I love reading about people’s problems and the advice they give.
A: I feel like an agony aunt at work sometimes – people are always telling me their personal problems
B: You must be good at giving advice!
A: I am pretty good….
John: So e on Jean, be honest – have you ever written to an agony aunt?
Jean: Honestly John – I have never done that. But I do enjoy reading the agony aunt columns in magazines though.
John: It must be quite depressing being an agony aunt though – and to have to listen to people’s problems all the time.
Jean: But you can help people with the advice you give – I think it would be interesting – 不過我本來就比較愛筦別人閑事,嚴格來講應該算是Nosy而不是個agony aunt。
John: Well everyone – now you know – if you have any problems you can send them to Jean at BBC Learning English!! Anyway, that’s today’s expression ‘agony aunt’
Jean: Agony Aunt – 知心大姐。好了明天我們BBC Learning English 的隧道英語節目就到這了.
John: See you next time.